You can find updated CV here .
- Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2014
- Ph.D in Computer Science, Arizona State University, AZ, USA, 2022
Work experience
- Spring 2020 : Teaching Assistant
- CSE 576 : Natural Language Processing
- Supervisor: Dr. Chitta Baral
- Spring 2019 : Teaching Assistant
- CSE 576 : Natural Language Processing
- Supervisor: Dr. Chitta Baral
- Fall 2018 - Now : Research Assistant
- Supervisor : Dr. Chitta Baral
- Fall 2018 : Teaching Assistant
- CSE 110 : Programming in Java
- Supervisor : Dr. Yoshihiro Kobayashi
- Dec 2014 - Aug 2018 : Software Development Engineer III
- Flipkart : User Identity Services and Personalization
- Duties included: Built highly scalable systems to compute and serve User’s identity information, personalization content and fraud detection data. Designed and developed components using Hadoop frameworks and tools. Developed User address based fraud detection leveraging User Graph. Feature enrichment and identification pipelines for supervised ML models such as Credit and Income Modelling of Users using E-Commerce affinities and User Graph attributes. Designed and developed internal tools for change-event propagation from MySQL to ElasticSearch, MySQL cluster management, One stop tool for User escalations and production issue management. Secured User PII data in system-system interactions and Big data usage. Developed several microservices like authentication and authorization services, address management services, rate limiting and rule engine based services. Worked on ML model engineering and productionising to ML problem modelling and data science. Designed ML model for creating selective incentives to push Users to higher segments, where a segment is defined as transactions per customer,lifetime value, gross merchandise value etc
- July 2014 - Dec 2014 : Software Development Engineer
- Yahoo! Sports
- Duties included: Enabled scaling of Sports Feed processing and extended APIs to support more sports to be served at Yahoo web scale.
- Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++, Scala, C
- Hadoop : MR, Spark, Hive, Hadoop, Pig
- Data Science : Pytorch, Scikit Learn, Apache Spark ML, Pandas
- NLP : AllenNLP, Spacy, Pytorch-Transformers
Banerjee, P., Pal, K. K., Mitra, A., & Baral, C. (2019, July). Careful Selection of Knowledge to Solve Open Book Question Answering. In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 6120-6129).
Mitra, A., Banerjee, P., Pal, K. K., Mishra S. & Baral, C. (2019, July). Exploring ways to incorporate additional knowledge to improve Natural Language Commonsense Question Answering. CoRR,
Banerjee, P. (2019, Septemeber). ASU at TextGraphs 2019 Shared Task: Explanation ReGeneration using Language Models and Iterative Re-Ranking. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Graph-Based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-13).
Pratyay Banerjee, Kuntal Kumar Pal, Murthy Devarakonda and Chitta Baral (2019, November). Knowledge Guided Named Entity Recognition. CoRR,
Tejas Gokhale, Pratyay Banerjee, Chitta Baral and Yezhou Yang (2020, February). VQA-LOL: Visual Question Answering under the Lens of Logic. 16th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020)
Zhiyuan Fang, Tejas Gokhale, Pratyay Banerjee, Chitta Baral and Yezhou Yang (2020, March). Video2Commonsense: Generating Commonsense Descriptions to Enrich Video Captioning. CoRR,
Chitta Baral, Pratyay Banerjee, Kuntal Kumar Pal and Arindam Mitra (2020, March). Natural Language QA Approaches using Reasoning with External Knowledge . CoRR,
Pratyay Banerjee and Chitta Baral (2020, March). Knowledge Fusion and Semantic Knowledge Ranking for Open Domain Question Answering. CoRR,
Pratyay Banerjee and Chitta Baral (2020, May). Self-supervised Knowledge Triplet Learning for Zero-shot Question Answering. CoRR,
Tejas Gokhale, Pratyay Banerjee, Chitta Baral and Yezhou Yang (2020, March). MUTANT: A Training Paradigm for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Visual Question Answering. EMNLP 2020.
Service and leadership
- Teaching and Research Awards Reviewer for the Graduate and Professional Student Association at ASU
- Have lead and managed teams of size 2-4 on multiple projects in Flipkart.
Awards and Honors
- CIDSE and Graduate College Travel Grant : 2019
- University Doctoral Fellowship : 2018
- Microsoft AI Challenge Top 3 (500 Teams) : 2018
- Flipkart Hackathon Winner : 2016, 2018
- Top 0.001% in the Joint Entrance Exam of the IITs & NITs (1.3M students) : 2010